So Maverick's lovely grandpa gave everyone one of these.
He said to put in out pocket so whenever we're feeling lazy or unmotivated, we can reach in our pocket and remember to put our BUTT-ON GEAR!
Well this little thing got lost in an instant...
And I recently found it and it reminded me to get my butt on gear with this blog and my journal writing. Then the our home teachers message was about journal writing. So I then got another nudge to remind me to just do it already.
Writing in journals is something that I used to do regularly. I enjoy looking through the things that I have written and reminiscing the past. Good and bad. I think one of the best things about it is that my kids will one day be able to read them and learn from them. They will see my true feelings about the world we live in and how I survived through all the trials that comes with it.
So here I am, once again, rededicating myself to recording all the wonderful, scary, exciting, ambitious, crazy things that happens in my life.
Just gotta get my BUTTON GEAR!!!