
Friday, February 25, 2011

Positives out of the Negatives

When Hyrum was 2 months old I went back to work full time.  

I was a little apprehensive on working 40/hrs a week but it wasn't as bad as I imagined since it was only a 5 min walk from our house.

I saw Hyrum during my lunch breaks and when Mav had a class he brings him over to my workplace.

We only needed babysitters for 2-3 hours a day. But besides dat, Maverick was for the majority of the time.

My positive in this whole visa dilemma that we are in right now is that I get to spend all day everyday with my little monkey.

It is a very very tiring "job" to be a full-time mother but it is by far THE BEST job that I have ever had and probably ever will.

I mean who wouldn't want to play, laugh, wrestle, run, catch and tickle all day? Then get paid with giggles, cuddles and kisses. Pure bliss!

Although we do get bored staying indoors, sooo with my limited independence (yes! I am a 25 yr old mother who is terrified of driving. Kinda embarrasing) we go on mini adventures wherever my feet and his 3 wheels (stroller) can take us.

Our favourites are our local park (Normanton), Glenfield mall and Glenfield library.

I've been try and change it up once in a while. We even went on a bus ride to Takapuna the other day (Hyrum LOVED watching the cars go by and pointing to different things that he sees). This was quite a challenge coz of the narrow, stroller unfriendly aisles.

If we can't (or I'm just lazy) go on an adventure, we play catch, blow bubbles, wrestle, play tag, swim in his little pool, watch Hi5 and Yo Gabba Gabba, race cars and run around the house. It can get pretty intense.

I love seeing his developments that seem to rapidly increase each and every day.

He can say a lot of words now like bawoon(balloon), babll(bubble), bud(bird), appll(apple), tat (cat), doogy(doggie), dieger(tigger), buk(book), bed(bred), ffshh(fish), na nigh(night night), babye(bye bye), daty(dirty), nat dat(not that), aysh(eye), ta(star), oon(moon), tar(car) hi, duck, no, this, wow, up, mommy, daddy and really mean it (or sometimes just to copy).

He can also sign milk, more, water (or any kinda drink the he sees in front of him) and all gone.

Definetly not my little baby anymore. He is very much a hyperactive toddler who is very independent, opinionated and dramatic and he is not afraid to show it if he doesn't get his way.

But, he is also a sweet, loving mama's boy who LOVES to cuddle.

I don't mean to gloat but I'm doing it for my own record.

On a different note. My visa application is moving along. Not as fast as we want it to be but at least it's getting there. 

There is still hope for us to be back in Hawaii in time for Mavs April 9th graduation and I am still fasting and praying that our wish will come true.

There are days when everything is fine and dandy but there are also days when I just want to curl up and cry. 

Although I have yet to do the latter, I do get a little emotional when I get asked about 'the situation'.

Good thing I have a little person to confide in. 

He's a VERY good listener, and he doesn't answer back with advices and own personal stories. He JUST listens. 

Unless he decides to walk away and play with a toy instead.


  1. sooo sweet! glad you get to be a FT mom! maybe you can see now how thankful i am for you to have let me come stay with you while i was commuting from mililani with a diaper bag, backpack, stroller, and 9 month old! i will never forget your act of kindness. i pray that you will make it back to hawaii, too! love you!!

  2. make sure that people are aware you want to be in the states for grad on a certain date. if they're aware it might prompt them to pass it through quicker. fingers crossed!! i know how this feels, we were in the same position waiting for tuis visa to come here when i was ready to give birth.

  3. u sound like an AWESOME mommy! oh my: hyrum definitely seems like a little toddler. and yes being a full time mommy is HARD but fun work. there are moments where i feel like SCREAMING. and moments where im like aww....hang in there! =)
