
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feeling Prego!

So....I am now on my 17th week of pregnancy and it really has been quite an easy 17 weeks.  I havent felt like ive been pregnant since I havent gotten any 'hard' pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and such.  And ive considered myself lucky so far.

BUT...I think my luck is starting to wear off.  These past couple of days I have felt more pregnant than ever, and look like it too.  I dunno why it just all of a sudden start but I honestly woke up two days ago feeling soooo pregnant...

I guess this is the start of a long road of having a baby growing inside of me.  It has been much anticipated and we are really excited to see what is in store for us.  163 days to go!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hitch Hikin

YEAH!!! dats right! I hitch hiked today with my other pregnant friend and our husbands...

who says pregnant people cant have adventure...hehehe...

Thursday, August 6, 2009


First of all, our car (that we named Samson) got towed off of our parking lot by BYUH Security when we were in New Zealand.  Samson is a 1989 Jeep Cherokee that Maverick bought about April of last year for $400.  The main purpose for Samson (besides transportation), was to be his house during Winter and Spring sem so that he can save his rent money for a ticket to New Zealand.  Ok now everyone go...aaaaaaawwwwwwww...

Anyways, Samson was only expected to be alive for the period dat Maverick was homeless.  But he was such a strong GREAT car that he was still going strong until he got towed away.  Oh and he was towed away because the safety check and registration was expired and we didnt have a BYUH parking permit for him.  So I guess we cant really argue about them having no right to tow it away.  Also, it will cost us a lot more that what we paid for him to get him out of the car pound.  So we are just letting him go...which is very sadddd...specially for Maverick.

So this is the day that Maverick got Samson

We miss Samson! coz now we have to walk everywhere, and Maverick has to take the bus with all those interesting people to work.  And it takes twice as long to get anywhere in the bus.  And to have that independence to get out of Laie.  And be able to go to the grocery store without having to worry about how to take all the grocery home.  And its just a lot better to have a car, specially in Laie.

The point of this blog always look on the bright side of life...

Since we dont have a car to go to our different destination, as I said, Maverick and I HAVE to walk everywhere around town.  Its been kind off interesting coz we get in really really good conversations while we are walking.  So its kind off a good way to spend quality time together.  And its actually been really fun.  Plus, were exercising without even knowing it. 

We lost a big necessity in our life, but, the replacement is actually not that bad...

We are in a lookout for a new car though...Just coz life is SSSSOOOOO much easier!