Back when I was young and immature, (which was like 4 years ago, or according to my parents, next year) I used to countdown the days of everything! and when I say everything, I mean evveerryyything!!! My birthday, start of school, end of school, if were going on special trip or any other special days. I would even mark it on my wall calendar and my daily planner so I dont forget. Now I know lots of people still do this, but back then I was just ridiculous because I would start counting down from like 150 more days. So by the time it gets to like 10 or so more days, people around me usually be very ANNOYED and just want me to get over it already. Even if they were all very excited for me at first and ask even asked how many more days to go once in a while.
Thank goodness I have gotten over that obsession (actually I remember counting down for my wedding from like 80 more days). But, I have decided that it is okay to start a countdown again especially if it is for 2 major events...BYUH June Commencements (with relative coming to visit) and heading back to New Zealand for the summer...
So that comes down to....
24 more days till graduation
30 more days till New Zealand
i cant wait until you start counting down to the date of you baby and Janice needs to Hurry up..heheheheee