
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Easter Together

Easter is a time that we remember Jesus Christ' sacrifice for us.  He is the ultimate example of humility, charity and love.  Go to this link for a great Easter message

Maverick and I were asked to talk in sacrament on Easter Sunday.  Weve prepared our talk and everything and just before sacrament meeting started, the second councilor asked us if we could could talk next week instead because the new bishop is going to get called instead.  We were pretty happy to do so.

Last Easter, when Maverick and I were still dating, he made me lunch with different colored items.  We decided to make this our Easter tradition. Here's what we came up with

Pink rice
Blue noodles
Green eggs and ham
Spam with blue dots
Red flavored water 

Later on that night, we dyed some eggs
Hope you guys had a great Easter!!!


  1. I think your spam is rotten!!

  2. cute..i remember mav making the color food last year..i thought he was losing his mind..but it fun to do and ya kids will love to do it when they get hurry up and have them..

  3. wow all these easter eggs look amazing!

  4. I remember the crazy colorful dinner from last year! what a cute tradition :)
